Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Townhall meetings, cowardice Senators and Congressional Reps and Arlen Specter

First things first, is it me or does Arlen Specter have the only voice in the world that Stephen Hawking isn't jealous of. I mean when the guy talks he literally sounds like he is drowning. I was listening to the news the other day not realizing it was him at a townhall meeting and I thought someone had switched the television to shark week on the Discovery Channel and they were playing audio of someone who was trying to talk while being pulled under water by a great white. Come on great people of Pennsylvania, I know you couldn't have elected this man because of his eloquence, or really even understood what he was saying at all. Was his opponent R2-D2 or some other primitive robot that truly couldn't be understood?

Now to the townhall meetings and the great Senators and Representatives who are hosting them. First of all, why do these things always have to turn into screaming matches? I mean haven't we proven that intellectual discourse about conservatism always wins out over liberalism. There is no need to scream and yell, because no matter what you are saying you always come off as being ignorant and intolerant OR Nancy Pelosi. There are legitimate concerns about the Democrats Health Insurance proposal and just shouting out about loss liberties and government control isn't going to convince more people about the danger of this legislation. Talk about the lack of Tort Reform in the bill that would drastically reduce cost as well as unnecessary test ordered by doctors to cover their own backsides or any chance of a mistake in their diagnosis. Mention the need for illegal immigration reform to stop people that aren't here legally from abusing the system being paid for by legal US citizens. There are ways that the Democrats could actually present a bill that would be cost reductive and good for all citizens needing health insurance but the bottom line is that isn't their (the democrats) real concern. There only concern is getting their hands on 1/7 of the GDP of this country and being able to control the type of care and lifestyle that many Americans have become accustomed to. And this whole point about them mandating seniors to meet with their doctors once they turn 75 to discuss "end of life care". Are you really surprised by this? I mean this is coming from the party that has no care at all for the unborn of this nation, why be so surprised that they wouldn't care for the elderly as well. They can kill the baby in the latest stages of a pregnancy, and now people are bothered that they might be able to tell your grandparents or great grandparents that they need to just go ahead and die since they are in the late stages of their lives. It is merely a continuation of their philosophy in regards to life don't be so shocked when liberals are simply being liberals. It's just what they do.

Finally, to all those Congress people and Senators who are cancelling their townhall meetings to hold teleconference meetings instead. I hope all of you lose your next election in landslide defeats. How you can't muster the courage to go before the people you represent and defend this monstrosity of a bill shows both your cowardice and ignorance in regards to the Democratic process. Americans have the right to voice their displeasure, and in turn be proven wrong if public perception has erred on the facts. However, a lack of any true attempt to persuade the citizens that they have been wrong on their interpretation of any legislation shows that it is the Representative who is in error and must be the one to admit it and vote the will of his people. Ultimately, if a Congressional worker decides that he is smarter than his constituents or knows better what is best for them, then in turn those same people have every right to make their voices heard at the ballot box and remove that person from office. Democracy is a beautiful thing. It keeps uprisings from occurring and the will of the people ever before those who are suppose to be looking out for them. When any Senator or Representative negates their constituents the ability to flourish in this system they show themselves to not only be unpatriotic, but the same type of tyrant that this country fought against for it independence.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

God and government

Once abolish the God and the government becomes the God -- G.K. Chesterton

In a world seemingly dominated by pragmatism and illogical thinking, the search for hope in many areas of life becomes more and more simplistic for many individuals. They search for hope in many places and institutions, thinking that somewhere along the road they many stumble upon someone or something that gives their life meaning or value. For those who are poor and destitute it could be anything from a simple meal to a dry bed, for the middle class it might be a nice home, car or secure employment and for the wealthy a high six figure salary or a vacation home far from the worries of every day life. All of these mentioned are examples of how God and His Word has been pushed aside by people of all colors and societal levels in favor of immediate or instant gratification, and an embracing of what the world has to offer over the gift of eternity in fellowship with a Holy God.

Another example in America today of how people are seeking refuge in other places besides the Gospel, is the overwhelming growth in our government being allowed by the great citizens of this country. Now, I know that there are many who are beginning to see the dangers of this colossal mistake, but the true foundation of this problem was laid down many years ago and has been slowly progressing ever since. This is not to in any way link faith in God to the need for a small central government, but, however, I do want to make the case that a true faith in God assures us that we then have no need for a large, authoritarian government that scrutinizes our every move.

Above is a quote from G.K. Chesterton that ascertains that once God has been removed from public thought government becomes something of a god to many individuals, because there is essentially nothing left to give them the care and protection that they know they need. To me this is a horrendous thought. If we have learned anything as a country in the last 233 years since we declared our independence it is that man universally is flawed in both his character and his conduct. And if we begin to hang our hopes and desires upon any leader we will certainly have our hearts dashed on the rocks of reality. Governments fall, men sin and those who have blindly followed their direction will be tossed aside.

The Christian today faces an incredible battle against public opinion and a post-modern mind-set. These two things are in direct contrast to what the Christian knows to be true, yet the feeling of exclusivity scares him to the point of being enveloped by the whims of main-stream thinking. What the Christian must do is unshackle himself from the chains of an idealitic fallacy, and cling to what he knows will ultimately lead to his rescue.

The Christian today must no longer see government as an institution that works to accomplish his betterment, but as an entity established by God to teach us our need for protection and the importance of following the rule of law. Not in a salvivic since or legalistic since, but knowing that as we follow the law we do so with the intent of Glorifying God for His willingness to protect us through any means possible for the time being.

The culmination of our Great Salvation will not come through an utopian society established by any human creation, but by the glorious return of our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ. In him we place all of our hope and faith. In Him we place our security and need for protection. In Him we place our care and concerns both physically and spirtually. We know that the Kingdom of God is here in part and one day will be here in full, but while we wait we do so patiently and wisely not allowing ourselves to be fooled by the folly of man nor the guise of the devil in giving us empty promises or false hopes. We must and are established in Christ chosen in Him before the foundations of world, built up through His Spirit and grounded in His Word. Let us never forsake the promises of Sacred Scripture for the futility of vain earthly pledges.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Catching up from the last 8 months

So here is my chance to catch everyone up one what has been going since the last time I posted...

1) Obama won the election and we are now broke as a government (not morally, well we are morally bankrupt but I mean, literally we are broke, busted, out-o-money).
2) Jessica and I welcomed Delaney Goodwin into the world on April 29, 2009 and she has been a wonderful addition to our family.
3) Started a paper route in September and so far have kept throwing papers every stinking morning since then, also I substitute taught in the Spring and now have a new found respect for public school teachers and the importance of sleep.
4) I read all the Narnia books, Twilight books, a biography on Clarence Thomas, The Shack, and am halfway through Mark Levin's book Tyranny and Freedom. My only comment is that The Shack should be changed to The Out-House because it is full of.......
5) I have been seriously trying to talk myself into buying P90X so I can sculpt my body into that statue of David like image, but I don't want to hurt myself either. Tough one I know!
6) Cherrywood Baptist Church is doing well and has been blessed by two new families that have become very active participants in our church. One family has 5 children and a 6th on the way, and the other has 4 children all in their teens.
7) I had a fantastic time cheering the Razorbacks baseball team on during their current College World Series run, but was ultimately kicked in the mid-section (you know what I mean wrAstling fans) by lOsuERS winning the national championship. I think that more than makes up for the whole Hurricane Katrina debacle now.
8) For the summer months I have been preaching through the book of Philippians expositing Paul's emphasis of the word Joy throughout his letter to the church at Philippi.
9)Witnessed one of the most incredible hail, hale or hell storms of my life last Tuesday, and in return got some money from my insurance company to fix all the dents in my van this week.
10) Because my wife and kids have been traveling all over the South this summer catching up with family and friends it has given me a chance to hang out with my life long pal Thad. We've laughed, watched old movies, eaten good food, played basketball, and had a really rad time these past few weeks. I just hope all this bonding has finally allowed him to forgive me for making him try to climb up onto the roof of his house when we were kids to get that wiffle ball bat and then dropping him on his head, thereby stunting his growth for the rest of his life. Sorry bro.!

Well those are just some of the things that have been preoccupying my time these last few months, let me know what you've been up to, and what you think I should start writing on as I pick my blogging back up.