Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Conservatism will never die

I know, I know it has been way too long since I last posted, and for all of you (3) that depend on my opinion to be your North Star for all things political you probably feel a bit lost amid the current influx of misinformation and purposeful cover-up by our 1st Amendment caretakers the Mainstream Media. Having just finished reading my 100th article, blog and/or op-ed concerning the "death" of conservatism I felt burdened to pass along my two cents. I posted a blog over a month ago (September 14th) that highlighted what Conservatism was all about and why the Left despised it so. I encourage you to scroll down and check it out because it really is a great description of what Conservatism is and why it is important in America. I also want to mention that as you read it you might think that I post-dated the blog because so many of the things that I wrote about have been brought to greater light through the hard hitting questions of one Joe the Plumber. Call me a prophet if you like, I merely call things as I see them and so far Sen. Obama has showed himself to be everything that I thought he was.

Strangely enough, however, this revelation has not had the effect that I thought that it would. To be honest with you I thought as soon as the American people heard Sen. Government say that he wanted to "spread the wealth around" that they would begin screaming from the hilltops, "NO!" Instead, many Americans seem either unaware of Sen. Obama's intentions to stifle incentive to live the American dream, or because of a hatred for the Republican party, have said, "So what anything would be better than the last four years!" To the latter I must say, yes we have entered a very difficult economic time, but do you not remember what happened 7 years 1 month and 14 days ago? And that since September 11th our nation has not been attacked? Of course National Security (the only thing that the Constitution demands our Federal Government do) has been put on the back burner for more immediate concerns.

Yet, in all the worry and concern over the future of the markets both here and abroad, many important subjects have been overlooked. I believe it's a matter of convenience for most Democrat voting people, but as someone who holds firmly to a Conservative ideology I see it as dangerous. Remember 50 years ago when the primaries started? What were some of the big issues then? Well you had the debate over the Surge going on. Liberals wanted to fight over who opposed it the most, and what a horrible decision going into Iraq was in the first place. Well guess what? The surge worked, the divisive groups in the Anbar province have coalesced, and the Iraq army is finally fighting back insurgents effectively. Oh, and I must mention that the Iraqi government seems also to be getting their act together which has helped tremendously. In other words the Democrats were wrong on one of their biggest issues during their primary.
How about another important issue? Illegal Immigration. Remember that debate among the Democrats? It seemed like the winner of the debate was the one who wanted to give the most to these illegals who had crossed our under-protected borders. I must admit that GOP nominee, John McCain, is not the strongest on this issue, but I digress. Our need to protect ourselves from those coming into our country unaccounted for continues, but I guess this point goes too closely to National Security, therefore it really fit into the current narrative of the general election.
And what about the tough questions on abortion or gay marriage? Abortion hasn't been an issue since the Saddleback Forum which Sen. Obama did horribly at (remember the "above my pay grade" comment concerning when life begins), so I guess the moderators of the other debates decided to not put him through the ringer any more on that topic. Gay marriage hasn't been really talked about this time around because not as many states have it on the ballot this year as they did in '04. (This could also be a bad sign for Republicans because many think this issue helped turnout the Christian vote for Bush in that election.)

So, with one week left in this election why even attempt to bring up these issues? Well, I guess because in electing a president I think there are a plethora of issues that need to be considered before one casts their vote for one candidate or another. That is why throughout my life I have done my best in understanding all things concerning the Conservative philosophy of government. Admittedly, I first became a Conservative because of the abortion issue, but Conservatism goes a whole lot further than just the Right-to-Life. And ultimately this is why I think Conservatism will NEVER DIE. Yes, there are many people today who are so displeased with the current happenings in Washington that they look for someone to blame, and with George W. Bush, a Republican, being the one sitting in the Oval Office he and his party is an easy scapegoat. Sitting at home the other morning I was watching a reporter interview a voter in one of the battleground states in this year's election. His thoughts, "why not give the democrat a chance?" Now, I could go on telling you why not to give THIS democrat a chance, but it seems that enough Americans share the sentiments of this voter that Sen. Obama could admit to being a Taliban operative and it wouldn't matter this year. (Note: I do not think Sen. Obama is a member of the Taliban or even a Muslim so please don't focus on this one piece of anecdotal humor)

Finally, let me say that to the disgust of many in the Mainstream Media Conservatism has not failed. I do think that it has been misrepresented by the current administration and not adequately explained by the current GOP candidate. But remember in four years there will be another election, and in four years Americans will have the chance to ask themselves, "Am I better off than I was four years ago?" If an Sen. Obama presidency lives up to its promises, I believe the answer will be No, and that Americans will once again see why it is Conservatism always wins out when it properly explained by a competent candidate who understands its fundamentals. Sen. McCain still has a chance with a week left to change the minds of many Americans, and I believe that he can. However, I believe that he only will if ultimately he finally becomes the Reaganesque candidate he once claimed to be, instead of the aisle crossing moderate he thinks he needs to be.